A very cliche post for a very cliche time of year! I've given myself 5 New Year Resolutions/Goals to be getting on with in 2020.
1. Read more books!
My 2019 reading goal was 25 books... I only managed to complete 7 and I was even pushing it with some of those. I think one of the issues I had this year is that I have officially outgrown YA. I still love it and I'm sure I will pick up some YA reads from time to time but I simply can't find myself there anymore. However, even though I am over YA, I still am struggling to find myself in adult fiction too. So, I am very very happily getting through some non-fiction texts. I recently went to Waterstones and picked up a whole bunch which I cannot wait to get through in 2020.
2. Support independent people and businesses more.
I am a very big fan of a lot of small businesses and content creators. I've realised a bit more recently that to keep seeing these people doing these things we need to be backing them. This could be by sharing their content, shopping in their stores or supporting them financially. So, to begin 2020 off, I have started supporting Hannah Witton on Patreon. Other ways I am going to try and do this is to shop locally and interact more online with my favourite people. If you have a similar resolution to this one, feel free to comment on my post or follow my Buy Me A Coffee links in the side bar of this post....
3. Do more for charity.
This is one my boyfriend and I are going to try do together. This Christmas just gone we packed some shoeboxes for the Samaritans Purse Shoebox appeal and it made me realise I could be doing things like this every month, not just at Christmas time, and give my help to those more local to me. So, I am going to try donate more to food banks this year and put some overnight packages together for homeless shelters for those who may need them.
4. Keep up with blogging.
You may have noticed but I've been posting on here a lot more regularly than I used to. I don't know where, but I found my love for blogging again. Even if it's just a small area of the internet where I post my thoughts and memories, it fills me with a lot of creativity and productivity that I have been missing out on for a while. So, here's hoping to more of that.
5. Vlog again.
On my recent trip to Disneyland Paris, I was surrounded by people vlogging the trip and it reminded me of how much I used to enjoy vlogging when I felt no commitment to it. As soon as I started to earn money from my vlogs, I lost the enjoyment from it and stopped doing it altogether. So, I am going to start again. I've ordered a new camera and I'm going to act like I didn't take a spontaneous five year break. However, this time I am going to do it purely for enjoyment, the same as I do with these blog posts. If you wish to subscribe to my YouTube channel, you can find my channel by clicking here.
I'm hoping that vlogging will help me fulfil an extra goal of mine but not so much a resolution. I'd really love to visit more places and museums. More places in my local areas and I'd particularly like to visit the vagina museum in Camden. If you have any suggestions of places I can go, let me know!
I would love to know what resolutions and goals you have set yourself for the year ahead. Leave me a comment below and maybe you will inspire me to add some more to my list!
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