Allotment life & Sustainable Living

Monday, 2 December 2013

Thanksgiving | blogmas day 2

So, last week it was Thanksgiving in America and Canada and all those other countries that celebrate it and the beautiful Carrie Fletcher made a video about all the things in her life she was thankful for. And as I am also one of those people who wishes we had Thanksgiving here in the land of Eng, I figured why not make a blog post saying everything/everyone I'm thankful to? I'm obviously incredibly thankful to all of my family and friends so I'm not going to spend hours writing about each person individually because I'd rather just say thank you to them in person. So, here we go!

Number one! The inventor of jars. That may sound strange but you can't pretend you don't feel extremely satisfied when opening a jar.. It's just a good feeling is it not? Especially when it's those funky air tight ones and when you're the first to open them and they make the cool little popping sound! I just really like them. And then what's even cooler is that you can use the jars for anything you want afterwards. Yay I recycle... Eleanor Coales are you proud? Like, I have a memory jar and then a jar that my beautiful friend filled with paper stars (that she made herself) which is kind of like my wishing jar.

Number two! I'd like to say thank you to Robert William Service. He was a poet who lived from 16th January 1874 until 11th September 1958. He is my favourite poet ever. His poems are just brilliant. Like, I don't know how to describe them. If you've never read anything by him then you should seriously buy one of his poem books if you're a poetry geek like me that is or you should click this texty bit here to hear one of my favourite poems read in Scottish... Which brings me on to number three...

Number three! The Scottish accent. It's just perfect. I have no words to describe it. But, seriously, speak to me in a Scottish accent and I will fall straight in love with you.

Number four! I am thankful for the invention of cameras. It seems like an obvious thing to be thankful for but I don't think many people sit there and think "whoa cameras are really clever".. they just use them and never really think about it. But, yeah, I'm thankful for cameras because I'm one of those soppy sentimental people who print out photos and stick them on their walls and put them in photo albums and look at them every day to remind themselves when things get hard that "things haven't always been this bad. Therefore, they won't always be this bad." - whoever can tell me who I just quoted, we're gonna get married. You have no choice. It's done. So, yes, I think cameras and photographs are freaking beautiful inventions.

Number five! If you know me then this is an obvious one but I'm thankful for JLS. I know some of you will be like er ew gross she's such an annoying fangirl which I admit, I kind of am. But, JLS have done an awful lot for me that only other people from the JLS fanbase will even begin to be able to understand. For example, when I've been visiting hospital a lot for the last few years. The first time I went in (in around Year10/Year11 time) I remember telling the nurse how I was going to be meeting JLS and stuff. I don't really know how to describe it, I guess it's just a personal thing that only I will understand. But, they've helped me through a lot. And words will never ever be able to explain that just how thankful I am to them. They've been a part of my life for over 5 years and that's not just something people can expect you to get over. Oh, and as well as saying thank you to JLS, I'd also like to say thank you to all of the JLSters I've made friends with over the past 5 years. You're some of my best friends and I'm so glad you all exist.

Number six! Candysomething deserves a huge thank you in here. For those of you who haven't heard of her, she's a booktuber. You may know her as the girl who's engaged to Bribry. She's incredible. Her writing is amazing (check out her video Sellotape | Scribbles). This is going to sound incredibly cheesey but she made me rediscover my love for literature and now hopefully I'll be studying it next year at University which is something I've always wanted to do but for some reason I kept changing my mind. But because of her, I realised how much I actually really do freaking love books.

I could go on forever saying thank you to everyone but I think I'm going to end it here for now. I'll definitely make a part 2 some time soon because saying thank you to people isn't something that should only be saved for one time of year. Thank you all for taking the time to read this.

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